The Wall
There's always a wall on any mental health journey, and I feel like I have hit it. Smashed into it really. Mentally speaking of course. I've been on a drug regimen for about 1.5 months now, but I don't think it's working as well as I need it to. The big thing with Bipolar II is stabilizing your mood so you don't have manic or depressive states. At the moment, I'm leaning more towards depression. Not a full blown depression by any means, but still not leveled off. I am so short tempered and snapping at everyone and everything. I know it's all part of the process, and it takes time to find the right prescription combination, but it sucks. It's unfair to everyone around me. They really deserve better, but I just can't seem to get there right now. Thankfully I have a medication appointment coming up soon, so hopefully I can get some things switched up and get balanced out. Till then, I can only hope I don't drive anybody away.
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