Return to Work

It’s official - I have stabilized which means the next big hurdle is……returning to work.  I go back to work in January, and to say I am ready for it would

Things are looking up?

Are things finally trending upwards? I am hesitant to believe it, because I have been down for so long. But after my latest medication change, it *feels* like things might finally be getting

I'm a mess

It turns out, shockingly, not all mental health is created equal, even for the same person. When I was first diagnosed with mental health issues over a decade ago it went pretty quick.

The Journey Continues

Wow, it has been a few weeks since I’ve posted anything. I’m still trying to stabilize on a medication regimen.  That isn’t going particularly well.  I just changed everything I

The Wall

There's always a wall on any mental health journey, and I feel like I have hit it. Smashed into it really. Mentally speaking of course.  I've been on a